Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Blog 2.0

On my other blog (jonandcarlywest.blogspot.com), we've talked about lots of things, and I've been toying with the idea of making a focused blog that might be able to keep my attention for more than 5 sec-oh, pretty bird!

Where was I?

As you may know, I have 2 children, one of them is an infant. You also may have heard that infants require quite a large amount of attention. Especially at hours of the night/morning that no sane human should be awake. There's also not a lot that you can do during that time of the night while feeding a baby. You know, except sleep. A few weeks ago, during one of our numerous late evening/early morning formula snack fests, an idea popped into my head: "Hmm, we do have Netflix. And our instant queue is getting a little long..."

You see, whenever we're on Netflix, we sometimes see new stuff that comes out on it. If it even remotely piques our interest, we'll throw it on the queue promising ourselves that we'll watch it eventually. If you've never been on Netflix instant streaming service, it's mostly a pile of crappy mockbusters and B-movies with a few good ones thrown in to get you to join.

Of course, once it's in the queue, we forget about it and we just watch more"Saved By The Bell"or drink to "Ancient Aliens". And those little gems of cinematic goodness in our instant queue are lost forever.

Until now...

Here's how this works: Sam (the infant in question) will wake me up at some ungodly hour for a changing and a feeding. While that's going on, I'll find a movie on the Netflix queue that was either put there by us, or suggested by you, the reader. Alternatively, you can suggest a random number on our queue for me to watch. Then, it's a total crap shoot. I review it on here afterwards. Sam has the dinner, I watch the movie (for good or ill), and you laugh at my sleep deprived delusions. It's win-win!


  1. Not sure how I feel about documentaries for this. But, I'm strongly considering this one...

  2. Documentaries should be ok, since you're doing this in the middle of the night and I'm asleep (read: not there to pause the movie to shout at it, and then throw things at the tv).
